December 18, 2024

Main Definitions of English Grammar

5 min read


परिभाषा -किसीव्यक्ति, वस्तु, स्थान, गुणऔरभावकेनामकोसंज्ञाकहतेहैं |

” A Noun is a word which names a person, place, animal, action, quality, feeling or thing.

Note- “Thing” बहुत ही विस्तृत हैं, इसमे सभी चीजों का समावेश हो जाता है|

Example- Hansuja Rajput, Agra, cat, honesty, touch etc .

Kind of Noun

  1. Proper Noun- व्यक्ति वाचक संज्ञा 
  2. Common Noun- जाति वाचक संज्ञा 
  3. Collective Noun- समूह वाचक संज्ञा 
  4. Material Noun- पदार्थ वाचक संज्ञा
  5. Abstract Noun- भाव वाचक संज्ञा

(1)- Proper Noun-  Proper Noun denoting a Particular Person, Place or things.

Example- Tejasv Rajput, India, Taj Mahal etc.

(2)- Common Noun- A Common Noun denoting a Class of objects.

Example- boy, girl, city chair etc.

(3)- Collective Noun- A Collective Noun denoting several Persons or things regarded as One group.

Example- Team, Committee, army etc.

(4)- Material Noun- A Material Noun is the name of metal or substance, which things are made of. As- Gold, Silver, Iron, Wood etc.

(5)- Abstract Noun- Abstract Noun Denoting a quality, action or state: something which we cannot see, touch etc.

Example-  Truth, honesty. laughter, sleep.


परिभाषा जो शब्द संज्ञा के स्थान पर प्रयोग किये जाते हैं सर्वनाम कहलाते हैं |

  “Pronoun is a word, used in place of  a noun.

Example- ” Tejasv found a purse. He picked it up and gave it to Hansuja. She threw it into a river.”

इस वाक्य में Tejasv (noun) = He(pronoun) , Purse(noun) =it(pronoun)  , Hansuja (noun) = she(pronoun) के लिए प्रयुक्त हुए हैं | अतः He, she, it pronoun हैं |

Kind of Pronoun

  1. Personal Pronoun (पुरुष वाचक  )= I, we, they, you, he, she, it.
  2. Reflexive Pronoun (निज वाचक )=myself, himself , herself, yourself, themselves.
  3. Reciprocal Pronoun ( परस्परता वाचक)=each, every, either, neither.
  4. Demonstrative Pronoun (संकेत वाचक)=this, that, these, those.
  5. Indefinite Pronoun (अनिश्चिय वाचक)=any, anyone, anybody.
  6. Interrogative Pronoun( प्रश्न वाचक)=who, whose, whom, which, what.
  7. Distributive Pronoun(विभाजक वाचक )=each, other, one another.
  8. Relative Pronoun(सम्बन्ध वाचक )=who, whose, whom, which, that, what.


परिभाषा Adjective वह शब्द है जो एक वाक्य में प्रयुक्त noun या pronoun को विशेषता प्रदान करता है|

” An Adjective is a word that modify (change) noun, pronoun.


(1) He is a good girl. 

(2) Bijnor is a small city.

Kind of Adjective

  1. Adjective of Quality
  2. Adjective of Quantity
  3. Adjective of Number
  4. Demonstrative Adjective
  5. Interrogative Adjective
  6. Emphasizing Adjective
  7. Exclamatory Adjective

1- Adjective of QualityShow “the kind or quality” of a person or thing.

Ex- Large city, big city, beautiful place, black dog, honest man, white tiger etc.

(a) Kolkata is a large City. 

(b) He is an honest man.

2- Adjective of Quantity- show “how much” of a things is meant.

Ex- some, whole, little, enough, sufficient, no, full, entire etc.

(a) I ate some rice.

(b) He showed much patience.

3- Adjective of number- show “how many” persons or things are meant.

Ex- (one, two,……….), (First, second,………….. last), few, all, some, next etc.

(a) The hand has five fingers.

(b) Few cats like cold water.

Adjective of number has three kinds

(A) Definite Number Adjectives- which denote an exact number.


One, two, three ……………….. ये Cardinals कहलाते हैं |

First, second, third …………….. ये ordinals कहलाते हैं |

(B) Indefinite Number Adjectives- which do no denote an exact number.

Ex- Any, all, few, some, certain, several, many etc.

(C) Distributive Adjectives- Which refer to each one of a number.

Ex- each, every, either, neither etc.

(4) Demonstrative Adjectives- Point out which person or thing is meant.(ये विशेषण Particular, व्यक्ति या स्थान को व्यक्त करते हैं|)

Ex- This, That, These, Those, Such etc.

(a) This boy is stronger than Tejasv.

(b) These mangoes are sour.

(5) Interrogative Adjectives- What, which, where and whose , when they used with nouns to ask questions, are called Interrogative Adjective.

Ex- (a) What manner of man is he?

(b) Which way shall we go?

(6) Emphasizing Adjectives- Own, very and quite are used as Emphasizing Adjectives.

Ex- (a) I saw it with my own eyes.

(b) My very adversary took my part.

(7) Exclamatory Adjectives- The word “what” is sometimes used as an Exclamatory Adjectives.

Ex- (a) What an idea!

(b) What a beautiful girl!


परिभाषाadverb वाक्य में ऐसा शब्द हैं जो verb या adjective या अन्य adverb या adjective phrase को विशेषता प्रदान करता है / संशोधित करता है / उसके अर्थ में कुछ वृद्धि करता है |

An adverb is that word in a sentence which modifies the meaning of verb or adjective or another verb or adjective phrase.


(a) He ran fast. – (Verb ran को संसोधित करता हैं |)

(b) These are very sweet mangoes. – (Adjective Sweet को संसोधित करता हैं |)

(c) He speaks very loudly. – (Adverb Loudly को संसोधित करता हैं |)

(d) He was sitting close beside her. – (Adverbial phrase, Beside here को संसोधित करता हैं |)

Note-  जब Adverb का प्रयोग  वाक्य के  शुरू में होता हैं तो  वह सारे वाक्य को को संसोधित करता हैं |

Ex- (a) Certainly she is right.

(b) Fortunately we escaped unhunt.

Kind of Adverb

  1. Simple Adverb
  2. Relative Adverb
  3. Interrogative Adverb

1- Simple Adverb- There are many type of Simple Adverb.

(a) Adverb of Time:- These adverb answer the questions “when”. / ये कार्य के सम्पन्न होने के समय को व्यक्त करते हैं| 

Ex- daily, since, yesterday, soon, tomorrow etc.

* He will go to tomorrow.

* I met him yesterday.

(b) Adverb of place:- These adverb answer the question ” where” /  ये कार्य के स्थान को व्यक्त करते हैं |

Ex- Here, there, everywhere, in , away, up etc.

*They were coming here.

*Dust is everywhere.

(c) Adverb of Frequency or number:- These adverb answer the question “how often”. / ये कार्य कितनी बार हुआ, को व्यक्त करते हैं |

Ex- Frequency, again, often, always seldom, once, twice .

*You are always welcome.

* I often go there.

(d) Adverb of manner:- These adverb answer the question “in what manner”. / ये कार्य किस प्रकार सम्पन्न हुआ को, व्यक्त करते हैं |

Ex- Fast, swiftly, quickly, easily, slowly, loudly, bravely, carefully etc.

*Walk carefully.

*Ram ran fast.

(e) Adverb of degree or quantity:- These adverb answer the question “how much” or ” in what degree” / ये adverbs, degree, quantity को व्यक्त करता है|

Ex- Fully, very, rather, perfectly, pretty, almost, little, enough, quite etc.

*He is quite strong.

*He is very beautiful.

(f) Adverb of affirmation and negative:- ये सकारात्मकता या नकारात्मकता को व्यक्त करते हैं 

Ex- Certainly, surely, never, always, definitely etc.

*I will never go there.

*We will certainly help you.

(g) Adverb of Reasons:- These adverb answer the question “why”. / ये कार्य के कारण को व्यक्त करते है|

Ex- Therefore, hence, on account of etc.

*He did not work hard therefore he failed.

*Hence, i am not felling well, i am unable to work.

2- Relative Adverbs

ये Adverb, Antecedent(पूर्वपद) के साथ सम्बन्ध व्यक्त करते है | इस तरह के adverb हैं :- What, When, Where, Why, Whatever etc.

Ex- (a) I know where she lives.

(b) I understand the point what you say.

उपरोक्त वाक्यों में Where, What, Where, When, Relative Adverbs हैं  जो antecedents के साथ संबंथ के व्यक्त करते हैं|  Antecedent means which comes before.

3- Interrogative Adverbs

ये adverb प्रश्न करने हेतु प्रयुक्त होते हैं | 

Ex- When, how, what, where, how much, how long, how many etc.

(a) What is your name?

(b) How are you?

Yes Or No Adverb:- जो  adverb Yes या No के रूप में पूरे वाक्य को व्यक्त करते हैं Yes or No Adverb कहलाते हैं|

Ex- (a) Do you know me ? Yes.  (Yes, I know you)

(b) Have you played? No.   (No, I have not played)

A Sentence

Definition- A sentence is a group of words giving a complete thought. A sentence must contain a Subject and Predicate.

Subject Means- The subject is person who does some action .Predicate Means- What is said about the subject called as predicate.

Some Examples

Subject          Predicate

1.Hansuja                   is most brilliant student.

2.Tejasv                   is crying for a toy car.

3.We                      should drink milk daily

4.My father           is busy is gardening.

kind of Sentence

  1. Assertive Sentence
  2. Interrogative Sentence
  3. Negative Sentence
  4. Imperative Sentence
  5. Optative Sentence
  6. Exclamatory Sentence

1. Assertive Sentence- A sentence which makes a statement or assertion is called a assertive sentence.

Ex- (1) We have two books to read. 
(2) Amit is a good boy.

2. Interrogative Sentence- A sentence in which a question is asking, is called an interrogative sentence.

Ex- (1) What is your name? 
(2) Are you Tejasv?

(3). Negative Sentence- A sentence in which “no” and “not” is used, is called negative sentence.

Ex- (1) Tejasv is not a good boy. 
(2) Hansuja is not going to market.

(4). Imperative Sentence- A sentence in which expressed a request, advise or command. is called imperative Sentence.

Ex- (1) Open the door. 
(2) Please sit here.

(5). Optative Sentence- A sentence in which one expresses wish or desire, is called optative sentence.

Ex- (1) May he live long. 
(2) May god bless him. 

(6). Exclamatory Sentence- A sentence in which strong feeling is expressed, is called exclamatory Sentence.

Ex- (1) How beautiful you are! 
(2) Oh! you got injury.

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